Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sabah Heritage Buildings in KK

The City Hall Building. Kota Kinabalu was upgraded to city status on 02nd February, 2000. The original Jesselton Sanitary Board was set up in 1902.

Gaya Street, the oldest street in Kota Kinabalu, first came alive with shop houses in 1900. It was then known as Bond street and Dunlop Street.

Jesselton Hotel, being the oldest air condition hotel since 1954 had a colorful history of famous dignitaries staying and patronizing it. It is now the only boutique hotel in Sabah.

Sabah Tourism Building was one of 3 structures still left standing after the second world war. The historical brick building now houses the Sabah Tourism Board.

PM to brief Perak situation with Conference of Rulers

Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi the Prime Minister said that he will be holding a briefing with the Conference of Rulers about the political situation in Perak. He said “I will also be present and possibly will brief the meeting on what has happened and the reasons. Any view or decision on the matter will be up to the rulers. I am only responsible for providing information on what has happened,” -From Zen, MalaysiaToday Sunday, (15 February 2009 20:54)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tugasan 1

1. Maruah dan martabat sesuatu bangsa itu tidak hanya terletak pada kemantapan bahasa semata-mata. Masih terdapat faktor-faktor lain yang juga boleh menentukan maruah dan martabat sesuatu bangsa itu.
Berikan pendapat anda tentang pernyataan di atas.
(STPM 1997)

2. Walaupun teknologi pengkomputeran banyak mempengaruhi urusan dalam kehidupan kita seharian, namum terdapat juga keburukan-keburukan tertentu daripada penggunaan teknologi berkenaan .
Bincangkan penyataan ini . (STPM 1997)


Sekolah Impian